Contributors: The rules for this week are provided by Krista, an original contributor of this blog who never actually made a contribution. Krista runs her own blog about being a mother and living in Fort Collins, CO where she gives all sorts of helpful tips and ideas about, well, being a mother in Fort Collins, CO. She's also an old school friend of mine, so treat her right.
Krita's rule:
"Post a song by a female from the 1990s that once made your ex cry." (There was some sort of smiley face emoticon thing after that, but I don't know how to make those things so just imagine a smiley face sort of emoticon thing.... NOW!!!).
Let's interpret "cry" loosely here and say post a song by a female that makes you think about an ex. And tell your friends to check out Krista's blog.
Next weeks rule will be made by Soup so get out your ladles ready.
Lol too easy