Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 43 rules

           Contributors! This week, you are not just only contributors BUT..... you are brutal dictators! Dictators in which have been threatened with sanctions and possible international military intervention. You have cornered your enemy rebels using a whole plethora of military tactics in which are not morally nor internationally acceptable. In a last effort to keep the world off your back you decide to use psychological warfare to drive your enemy insane to point they give up their arms and surrender.
          Your mission : you will be given a region of the world and you will have to figure out what that demographical majority most likely will go nuts if it were subjected to a certain style of music for too long. Shouldnt be too difficult to make an educated guess from the knowledge you may already have or can actually find through just looking up the demographics for given region and applying a lil assumption here and there.
           For instance, You are given east asia. You wouldn't blair a local pop musicians fantastic artistry. You would prolly blare ministry's jesus built my hotrod! wich is off limits for this week. Another example would be if your given north america, you wouldnt put adelle on repeat. You could get real creative use polka or bossa nova styles, maybe even just use Psy - gangman style.Which is also now off limits to use.  You know that has to annoy everyone in this country after being played repeatedly for 72 hours. Well you would have to be 14 and on drugs to get through that. North America would be too difficult to even try to come up with something without having to be given a single group of  people such as the kkk. Even in that it would still be too easy then to figure what would annoy the living shit out of those asshats.
                                                              Jack: South America
                                                              HoneyBear: East Asia 
                                                              Jae-Hak: Europe
                                                              Kyanimal: Middle East
                                                              Soup: Australia

                             Now get out there and use your profiling skills we learned so well to use from our friends in the TSA and other government organizations of the world.

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